العمليات التجميلية تساعد على مواءمة مظهرك الطبيعي مع المظهر الذي تريدينه. العمليات التجميلية تركز على المظهر الجمالي، من أمثلة الإجراءات التجميلية الأكثر شيوعاً هي نحت الوجه، تجميل الأنف، وتكبير الثدي .
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مقالات طبية عن جراحة التجميل
The latest methods in the cosmetic world to tighten the sagging face and neck
Dr. Wissam Wahdan, founder of the Westak Clinic Center for Plastic Surgery, said that he is working with the latest methods in the world currently in tightening the sagging of the fac [...]
How to get rid of weight gain
Many people suffer from weight gain and the inability to hide the severe flabbiness, which of course annoys its owner and causes him severe embarrassment, so we spoke with Dr. Wissam [...]
Dr. Wissam Wahdan explains the latest techniques of plastic surgery (G-Plasma)
Skin sagging occurs either as a result of significant weight loss, or because of pregnancy, childbirth and stretching of the skin too much, or for many other reasons, In all cases, th [...]
How to get rid of weight gain and flabbiness?
Weight gain and sagging are among the most prominent problems that many people face, especially women. Dr. Wissam Wahdan commented, Professor of Plastic Medicine and Surgery, Faculty [...]
Get rid of excess weight and sagging this way
It is considered that many people suffer from weight gain and the inability to hide the severe flabbiness, which of course annoys its owner and causes him severe embarrassment, so we [...]
Dr. Wissam Wahdan explains the latest techniques in plastic surgery
Skin sagging occurs either as a result of significant weight loss, or because of pregnancy, childbirth and stretching of the skin too much, or for many other reasons, In all cases, th [...]
Dr. Wissam Wahdan explains the latest techniques of plastic surgery (G-Plasma)
Skin sagging occurs either as a result of significant weight loss, or because of pregnancy, childbirth and stretching of the skin too much, or for many other reasons, In all cases, th [...]
J Plasma
Skin sagging occurs either as a result of significant weight loss, or because of pregnancy, childbirth and stretching of the skin too much, or for many other reasons, In all cases, th [...]
The latest technology in plastic surgery (J-Plasma)
Skin sagging occurs either as a result of significant weight loss, or because of pregnancy, childbirth and stretching of the skin too much, or for many other reasons, In all cases, th [...]
Face and neck tightening steps
sagging face and neck, One of the problems that women face with age, Or because of excessive makeup and other things, Which ends up with sagging skin, What drives them to search for p [...]
8 cases that require a face and neck lift
Face and neck lift operations aim to get rid of drooping eyelids, Excessive upper eyelid folds The presence of fatty bags and sagging lower eyelid, Face wrinkles, sagging cheek and ch [...]
The latest methods in plastic surgery
Dr. Wissam Wahdan, a cosmetic expert, revealed, About the latest methods in the world of cosmetic surgery for the face and neck, saying: Face and neck lift operations aim to get rid o [...]
Incision, carving and sewing
sagging face and neck, One of the problems that women face with age, Or because of excessive makeup and other things, Which ends up with sagging skin, What drives them to search for p [...]
Ways to get rid of weight gain and sagging
Many people suffer from weight gain and the inability to hide the severe sagging, which of course annoys its owner and causes him severe embarrassment, Therefore, Dr. Wissam Wahdan co [...]
Abdominal sagging after childbirth
Motherhood is the biggest dream of every woman on earth. However, the realization of that dream contradicts her other dream, which is to maintain the appearance of her harmonious body [...]
اشطر دكتور تجميل حقيقي من تقييمي الخاص اول حاله من اصدقائي اتشوهت من عمليه تجميل للاسف وهو اعاد تصحيح العمليه بشكل رائع اكتر حتي من النتيجة الي كانت منتظرة ودا كان سبب للوثوق فيه وبجدارته فرشحته لصديقة اخري كانت حالة صعبه تشوه بالوجه وكان من الصعب الوصول لنتيجة كويسه اصلا بسبب تشوه الجمجمة لكن دكتور وسام عمل نتيجة اكتر من رائعه ..ا ..
ومش دول الحالات بس من جانبي بس هبقي كتبت كتير بس فعلا عدد الحالات الي اتعملت للي حواليه مفيش حد منهم ماخدش النتيجة الي عايزة واكتر وكمان بدون مشاكل التخدير او في فترة النقاهة حتي الي كان عندهم مشاكل صحية تخلي تخدرهم مشكل. واكتر فعلا..شكرا لكل حاله رشحت حضرتك ليها وفرحته